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Prospect Park Cricket Club- Player Profiles

Founded 1967
Affiliated to C.C.C.; A.K.C.C. and N.C.A.

Welcome to our web site!

On this  page you'll be able to take a look into the archives of PPCC and take an in-depth look at the current members of the club.  These profiles include pictures, stats and any other stuff i can lay my hands on.
A new year brings new beginnings, PPCC have finally decided to join a league! (horray!) About time too if you ask me.  No need to panic though, i have a good feeling that we'll be challenging for promotion in our first season, no doubt about it.  Nasser Hussain was quoted as saying that "PPCC are the Arsenal of North Kent."  Then again he was also quoted as saying on the morning of the 1st Test in Australia "The pitch looks good, i think we have a great opportunity to win not only this test but to bring the ashes home."

Photo from Dorset Tour 2002

Taken at Milton Abbas (vs. Dewlish)

The cream of English cricket!!

For more information on any aspect of the club click on the link available below:

E-mail us at Prospect Park:



Leigh CTC, 3pm-4.30pm

See you ALL down there



If you would like to add anything to the site or comment on anything you have seen then e-mail me at my personal address
If you would like to enquire about a possible fixture or membership then e-mail us at the main PPCC address:

Last updated on 1/15/2003, 1:31:09 PM